Despacho de abogados ubicado en A Coruña. Áreas de negocio: derecho administrativo, derecho concursal, derecho del consumidor, derecho mercantil, derecho penal, político y social, reclamaciones del consumidor.
despacho de abogados, áreas de negocio: derecho administrativo, derecho concursal, derecho del consumidor, derecho mercantil, derecho penal, político y social, reclamaciones del consumidor
Pérez-Lema, Lawyers and Consultants, offer global solutions for all legal matters relating to consultancy for family and consumer law, local government, public law corporations and businesses (specifically for SMEs).
1. Banking, Finance and Credit: We are one of Galicia’s leading experts in court claims concerning the sale of preferred shares and subordinate debt, minimum-rate clauses in mortgages, financial exchanges or swaps, expenses and irregularly-charged commissions claims and recovery. We enjoy a 100% legal success rate in these fields. 2. Other Consumer Claims: We have a proven track record in claims concerning the sale of telecommunications services, electric and household energy, specifically protected public housing (VPA).
2.1 Administrative contracting, tenders, awards and licensing. 2.2 Expropriation and town planning. 2.3 Tax deductions. 2.4 Advice on the preparation and adoption of regulatory public law legislation, counsel regarding all kinds of public administration organisations and institutions.
3.1 Corporate and business. 3.2 Commercial contracting. 3.3 Unfair competition, trademarks and patenting, advertising law.
5.1 Counsel and defence in court for preliminary insolvency, bankruptcy proceedings and all manner of bankruptcy-related matters. 5.2 Company restructuring, liabilities and redundancy. Temporary executive services. 5.3 Company Bankruptcy Law. Collective dismissals during bankruptcy proceedings.
6.1 Redundancies. 6.2 Counsel for negotiation of collective dismissal.
We seek to avoid lawsuits. However, if we must go to trial, we do this with all warranties.
We are experts in all jurisdictional types of litigation (civil, commerical, criminal, contentious, administrative and social).
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